Our policies are aligned with our Community Agreements to provide a safe, equitable, and inclusive environment for all our members and participants in the Recreation & Wellbeing programs and services.

By using our facilities and programs, you are in agreement to uphold all policies and Community Agreements.

Not abiding by our Community Agreements and policies may lead to suspension or termination of your membership.  

Patrons will not hold the University of California, Department of UC Berkeley Recreation & Wellbeing, or any of its employees responsible for any injuries incurred during normal usage of the facility. Any cost for damage to University property shall be paid by any member or guest who neglectfully causes damage. We ask all members of our campus community to be mindful and not make assumptions based on how people look or what they wear. People express themselves in a variety of ways. If any member of our community observes inappropriate behaviors, they should notify a member of our staff. However, we should exercise caution and stay focused on actions not appearances.


Please see the program or facility-specific pages for policies related to:

RSF I Pools I Wellness Offerings I Adventures I Membership I Intramural Sports I Sport Clubs I Youth Programs