Appropriately ranked as the healthiest sport in the world, squash is a one-on-one, indoor racquet sport that tests your mental and physical fitness to their limits.


Cal Squash is dedicated to fostering mental strength, good health, and confidence, as well as to promoting squash on the West Coast. We play regularly throughout the year with members of the general community and with ourselves, in both private and official matches.

The competition season culminates with nationals, where we compete with colleges and universities, including rival school Stanford University, from across the nation for several days.


Week of Sept 4th


Duration Price
Annually Differs based on which team an indicidual participates in
Per Semester Differs based on which team an individual participates in


Day Time
Mon-Tues 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Thurs 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

League Affiliation

College Squash Association

Contact Information

  • Club website:
  • Club Officers: Richard Cherry Labourene (President,, Omar Cochinwala (Vice President,
    Club Coaches: Eric Katerman
    Club email:
    Club Facebook page: @CalSquash