The Men’s Cal Water Polo Club is a competitive team comprised of players of many backgrounds. Both Graduate and Undergraduate students are eligible for tournament play.


UC Berkeley Men’s Club Water Polo is a competitive team composed of around 25 students. During our competitive season, which runs from September through November, we practice four times a week and compete in three to four tournaments against teams from around Northern California. In the spring, we practice three times a week with a greater emphasis placed on personal development and fun. We won our division every year from 2012-2018 and then again in 2021. In past seasons we’ve frequently placed among the top five teams at Nationals!


September 4th or 11th


Duration Price
Annually $475
Fall $375
Spring $100

League Affiliation

  • Collegiate Water Polo Association (CWPA) Collegiate Club Division
  • Pacific Coast Division, Northern Region

Contact Information