Event Start Date:October 10, 2019
Event End Date:October 13, 2019
Event Venue:
Update (10/11, 4 p.m.): Campus has announced that power has been restored to campus and as such, Recreation & Wellbeing programs and facilities will resume normal operations beginning Saturday, October 12.
Please refer to the Recreation & Wellbeing website for specific facility or program schedules.
The following programs and facilities will remain closed for today, October 11.
- Recreational Sports Facility (RSF)
- Stadium Fitness Center
- Intramural Sports
- Sports Clubs
- Spieker Pool, Hearst Pool, Golden Bear Pool & Strawberry Canyon Pool
- Golden Bear Youth Gymnastics
You may find additional campus updates and details on news.berkeley.edu.
Thank you for your attention and understanding in this matter.