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Body Composition Testing

Body composition testing – using BodPod, the gold standard for testing.


The BodPod is the gold standard for body composition testing. It is one of the best ways to accurately measure your lean mass and fat mass, and also provides resting metabolic rate (the number of calories your body needs to support its basic functions) and Total Energy Expenditure (the number of calories you need to make it through your day).

Price: Member – $60 I Non-Member – $80 I Student $40 (Cal 1 Card required)

For Member and Student pricing, please create a Mindbody account at Mindbody Online. Once this account has been created, please contact Robbie Earle, the Personal Training Coordinator at or please contact the Customer Service Center. Once your Mindbody account is created and membership is credited, you will then get Member and Student Pricing.

How it Works

Whole-Body Air-Displacement Plethysmography is a method for assessing body composition, commonly using the BodPod machine. The method is similar underwater (hydrostatic) weighing but uses air instead of water.The Bod Pod system measures body composition by determining body volume and body weight. Body weight is measured using a scale. Body volume is measured by first measuring the volume of the chamber while empty. Then the volume of the client who enters the chamber is measured while inside. By subtraction, the volume of the subject is determined. Once body volume and weight are determined, body density can be computed and inserted into an equation to provide your body composition.

Preparation and Expectations

You will need to fill out our health history questionnaire – you can download a PDF version here. Please print and bring this questionnaire to your session.

  • Please refrain from large meals or vigorous exercise TWO hours prior to testing.
  • Wear appropriate attire, either: (a) Form-fitting Speedo-style or other Lycra/spandex-type swim suit; OR (b) Single-layer compression shorts (bike-style shorts WITHOUT padding) and a single-layer (not padded) sports bra.
  • You’ll be asked to remove all other articles of clothing as well as jewelry, socks, eyeglasses, etc. And, because we are measuring total body volume, you’ll also be asked to wear a swim cap which we provide.
  • Have an accurate measurement of your height.
  • During your session, your trainer will go over relaxing, breathing normally, limiting movement during your test and the 20-30 seconds it takes to measure body volume while inside.


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