Your child’s safety is our highest priority at UC Berkeley Youth Recreation. 

All of our policies and practices are in compliance with UC Berkeley’s policy for activities involving minors, state regulations, and industry best practices. Our program safety measures are also created using the Praesidium Safety Equation, the gold-standard in Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, as a foundation. 

All of our instructors undergo extensive training and certification. They have certifications in American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid, CPR, Epi-Pen, and AED. They undergo training in day camp safety, athlete protection, the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) Mandated Reporter requirements, sexual harassment prevention, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, emergency response protocols, as well as training on preventing abusive conduct in the workplace. Designated staff receive Praesidium’s Certified Guardian training, to ensure our program is held to the highest safety standards in abusive prevention. Designated staff are also trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid, social-emotional learning, and positive behavioral interventions/support. Our hiring process also includes background checks for all of our employees.

Department Zero Tolerance Statement

We are committed to creating an environment for participants that is safe and nurturing. Physical, sexual, or any misconduct towards, or abuse of, minors will not be tolerated. All allegations of abuse will be investigated and evidence turned over to authorities. Our program will fully cooperate with any police investigations of Youth Programs employees or participants. Conduct from employees or participants that rises to the level of abuse, mistreatment, or sexual activity will result in intervention or disciplinary action, up to and including, dismissal from employment or the program. In the event that an employee or participant observes or learns of any suspicious or inappropriate behaviors and/or policy violations, it is their personal responsibility to immediately report their observations or concerns.

Report Abuse

We take reports and suspsion of child abuse very seriously. If you have seen red flag behavior or signs that you believe abuse of youth occurred in one of our programs, please report your concern. Once your concern is reported to Berkeley Youth Recreation staff, it will be escalated through UC Berkeley’s reporting required process.

Do Your Part 

Your support is critical to ensuring a safe environment for your child and our participants. Learn about how you can help prevent abuse

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